Sunday, July 31, 2016

Episode 111: Party at the Genocide!

Another confusing couple of chapters from 1 Esdras.  Yet another high priest gets to go back to Jerusalem, while taking all the valuables from the Persian Empire.  This time, however, when he gets there, he discovers that many Jews have been marrying the locals and other "unclean" types, so he appears to call for a genocide.  Or for the "strange" women to be locked up in a box.  Its not really clear.  What is clear is that 'Jebus' is the original name for Jerusalem.  Thanks for your support!

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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Episode 109: 1 Esdras Part 2: The Home Improvement Years

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This week, I'm joined by Chris from The Podunk Polymath, as we attempt to muddle our way through three chapters of 1 Esdras.  Don't feel bad if you can't understand it, we couldn't either.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Episode 107: 1 Esdras

This episode begins my trip through the books of the Apocrypha, and is also the beginning of my third year of the podcast.  I want to thank everyone for listening, especially those who've donated to help support the podcast in that time.

I cover about half of 1 Esdras in this episode, and will hopefully finish it off in episode 109.  Next episode, X from Utah Outcasts will be a guest on the show.

Solomon's Temple

The Prophet Samuel

Cyrus the Great